An equivalent decimal is the same exact number with added decimal places. For example:
Find the equivalent decimal of: 0.5
Equivalent decimals of this number would include:
As long as the value of the number remains the same, it is an equivalent decimal. Basically, you are adding zeroes after the number.
How do you write the equivalent decimal to 0.4
0.1230 is equivalent to 0.123 as a decimal
equivalent decimal for 2.5 = 2.50
0.1 in hundredths equivalent decimal = 0.10
How do you write the equivalent decimal to 0.4
equivalent decimal for 9.6 = 9.60
equivalent decimal for 1.800 = 1.8
equivalent decimal of 6.0250 = 6.025
0.1230 is equivalent to 0.123 as a decimal
equivalent decimal for 2.5 = 2.50
add a 0 to the back of the decimal
0.1 in hundredths equivalent decimal = 0.10
We can write that 6.0250 is equivalent to 6.03
write two decimals that are equivalent to the given decimal 2.200