Divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. The remainder over the original denominator is the fraction. 22/7 = 3 and 1/7
We look at our common denominator, which is 8. To make our mixed number into a fraction, we take 2/1, and multiply top and bottom by 8 we then get 16/8 + 3/8. Now we can combine these terms and get 19/8, and this is its improper fraction.
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
The mixed fraction XY/Z is equal to (XZ + Y)/Z.
wat is ur problem?
We look at our common denominator, which is 8. To make our mixed number into a fraction, we take 2/1, and multiply top and bottom by 8 we then get 16/8 + 3/8. Now we can combine these terms and get 19/8, and this is its improper fraction.
you have to multiply the top and bottom number by the same number
The mixed fraction XY/Z is equal to (XZ + Y)/Z.
wat is ur problem?
An improper fraction is when the numerator is bigger than the denominator. For example: 5 out of 4 - 5/4 is a improper fraction. Just in case your confused, 4/4 is NOT and improper fraction. It is a whole number.A mixed number is when there is a whole number and a proper fraction put together.
The questions is: Write 27/4 as a mix number. So 27/4 is known as an improper fraction. It is improper because the numerator which is the top number (27), is bigger than the denominator, which is the bottom number (4). Therefore, to write 27/4 as a mix number, you divide the top number by the bottom number. So therefore, 27/4 equals 6 3/4. So the mix fraction is six and three quarters (6 3/4)).
Its an improper fraction and when calculated it would work out to be a mix fraction of 1(1/3) ok hope this help
390%(percent) = 3.9(decimal) = 3 and 9/10(mixed fraction) = 39/10(improper fraction)
Example: 3 and 1/4convert the fraction into an improper fraction, it would be 13/4so 13 divided by 4 is 3.25
17/8 = 15/8