Three hundred thirty-seven thousandths is .337
Thirty-seven and twenty-five thousandths.
Fourteen and thirty-seven thousandths in decimal form is 14.037
Thirty-Two and Thirty-Seven Thousandths
Four and thirty-seven thousandths.
700.034 is seven hundred and thirty-four thousandths.
Three hundred thirty-seven thousandths is .337
Thirty-seven and twenty-five thousandths.
Fourteen and thirty-seven thousandths in decimal form is 14.037
Thirty-Two and Thirty-Seven Thousandths
Thirty-seven and twelve thousandths.
Eleven and thirty-seven thousandths.
Four and thirty-seven thousandths.
Thirty-seven and thirty-five thousandths.
Six hundred thirty-seven thousandths (not six hundred and thirty-seven thousandths which would be 600.037)
Seven and six hundred thirty-two thousandths.