Fifteen thousand, fifteen hundred, and fifteen dollars can be written numerically as $15,515. This is because fifteen thousand is written as 15,000, fifteen hundred is written as 1,500, and fifteen is written as 15. When you add these numbers together, you get a total of 15,000 + 1,500 + 15 = 15,515.
Fifteen thousand
I would write 15,001 as fifteen-thousand and one. Though I suspect the hyphen is not necessarily correct.
To write fifteen thousand pesos in a check, you would start by writing the numerical amount "15,000" in the box provided on the right-hand side of the check. Then, on the line below the recipient's name, you would write out the amount in words as "Fifteen thousand pesos." Finally, you would sign your name on the bottom right corner of the check to authorize the payment.
Twentyone and five tenths or twentyone and a half
The number fifteen thousand five hundred is written as 15,500
Fifteen thousand, fifteen hundred, and fifteen dollars can be written numerically as $15,515. This is because fifteen thousand is written as 15,000, fifteen hundred is written as 1,500, and fifteen is written as 15. When you add these numbers together, you get a total of 15,000 + 1,500 + 15 = 15,515.
Fifteen thousand.
Fifteen thousand
I would write 15,001 as fifteen-thousand and one. Though I suspect the hyphen is not necessarily correct.
102 015- one hundred and two thousand fifteen.