With the pencil grasped firmly between the second and third fingers, thusly:
three --- .03 eight hundred fifty two thousandths--- .000852
Fifty-six thousand, two hundred thirty-seven hundred thousandths
This can be quite ambiguous. There are 2 ways that "five hundred fifty-three thousandths" can be written. 500/53000 (this is five hundred lots of fifty-three thousandths) 553/1000 (this is five hundred fifty-three lots of one thousandths)
Two hundred fifty-seven thousandths written as a decimal is 0.257
5,600 thousandths is 5.6
three --- .03 eight hundred fifty two thousandths--- .000852
Fifty-six thousand, two hundred thirty-seven hundred thousandths
This can be quite ambiguous. There are 2 ways that "five hundred fifty-three thousandths" can be written. 500/53000 (this is five hundred lots of fifty-three thousandths) 553/1000 (this is five hundred fifty-three lots of one thousandths)
theree hundred fifty-fourthen thousandths
It is 0.953
450.000 000.007 ---------- 450.007 ----------