0.8552 = eight thousand eight hundred fifty-two ten-thousandths.
It is 800.005
Eight and five hundred fifty-two ten thousandths
This way: eight and five hundred fifty-two ten-thousandths.
0.8552 = eight thousand eight hundred fifty-two ten-thousandths.
Four hundred ninety thousandths in decimals is 0.490
If it is grouped as "seven (hundred thousandths)", the answer is 0.00007. If it is "(seven hundred) thousandths", it's 0.7.
Eight hundred fifty-one thousandths
It is 800.005
It is three hundred fifty ten thousandths.
Two hundred fifty-seven thousandths written as a decimal is 0.257
If it is grouped as "seven (hundred thousandths)", the answer is 0.00007. If it is "(seven hundred) thousandths", it's 0.7.