Four and sixty-eight hundredths in standard form is 4.68 × 100
9+800 is how you write it in standard form
Eight and four hundredths (8.04) is written in standard form as: 8.04 × 100
Eighty eight and six hundredths (88.06) in standard form = 8.806 × 101
seventy-eight and forty hundredths = 78.40
Eight hundredths (0.08) in standard form is 8.0 × 10-2
Fourteen and eight hundredths (14.08) in standard form = 1.408 × 101
Four and sixty-eight hundredths in standard form is 4.68 × 100
9+800 is how you write it in standard form
Eight and four hundredths (8.04) is written in standard form as: 8.04 × 100
Eighty eight and six hundredths (88.06) in standard form = 8.806 × 101
seventy-eight and forty hundredths = 78.40