You can write four hundred twenty six thousandths as 0.426.
Four ten four thousandths
In standard form, you would write four and seven hundred thousandths as 4.0007.
Four thousand sixty-five hundred-thousandths = 0.04065
four hundred thousandths
To write 0.00004 in words, you first say "zero point" for the decimal. Then, you say each digit after the decimal individually, so it would be "zero point zero zero zero zero four." This represents the value of 0.00004 in words.
You can write four hundred twenty six thousandths as 0.426.
four ten-thousandths
Four hundred ninety thousandths in decimals is 0.490
700.034 is seven hundred and thirty-four thousandths.
Four ten four thousandths
.0604 is six hundred four ten thousandths.
In standard form, you would write four and seven hundred thousandths as 4.0007.
four-hundred and four thousandths