To write four million in roman numeral, you would need 4,000 M's to equal 4,000,000 (one M = 1,000)
Improved Answer:-
It is: ((CD)) because it represents 10*1000*400 = 4,000,000
four hundred million and four as a numeral = 400,000,004
IV IV it means 1 less than five, or four.
The Roman numeral for four is IV.
Four M's with dashes above them:_MAs "M" is the largest Roman numeral, it would be "M" wrote down 4 thousand times.
One million four thousand and fifty as a numeral is 1,004,050
four hundred million and four as a numeral = 400,000,004
IV IV it means 1 less than five, or four.
The Roman numeral for four is IV.
Four M's with dashes above them:_MAs "M" is the largest Roman numeral, it would be "M" wrote down 4 thousand times.
One million four thousand and fifty as a numeral is 1,004,050
1,000: M
IV = is the Roman Numeral of Four.. Five is the Spelling of 5 so the answer is fIVe