"One million six hundred four thousand" 1,604,000
six hundred three million and four thousand in number is: 603'004'000
Four million, six hundred five thousand, sixty-four is 4,605,064
One million, four hundred thirty thousand.
Four million, four hundred fifty thousand.
Five hundred million, four hundred thousand
two million four hundred thousand = 2,400,000
seventeen million four hundred and fifty thousand is 17,450,000.
"One million six hundred four thousand" 1,604,000
six hundred three million and four thousand in number is: 603'004'000
Four million, six hundred five thousand, sixty-four is 4,605,064
Four hundred thousand million. (Ok, in Arabic numerals 400,000,000)
Seventeen million four hundred and ten thousand = 17,410,000
Seven million, four hundred thousand