I believe 14,007,002 written in standard (scientific) notation is:
1.4007002 * 107
Ten million fourteen thousand seventy in standard form = 1.001407 × 107
The standard form is 14,007,000
The standard notation for five million-six hundred eight thousand is 5,608,000.
The standard form for 28 million 600 thousand is 2.86 × 107The standard notation is 28,600,000
Fourteen million seven thousand two (14,007,002) in standard form = 1.4007002 × 107
Ten million fourteen thousand seventy in standard form = 1.001407 × 107
The standard notation of 0.05 million is 50,000(fifty thousand).
14,200,000 in Scientific Notation = 1.42 x 107
The standard form is 14,007,000
The standard notation for five million-six hundred eight thousand is 5,608,000.
The standard form for 28 million 600 thousand is 2.86 × 107The standard notation is 28,600,000
42 million 713 thousand* in standard form = 4.2713 × 107*or 42,713,000 in standard notation