Fourteen and thirty-four hundredths in standard form is 14.34
Two and fourteen thousandths (2.014) in standard form is 2.014 × 100
Three thousand fourteen and five thousandths written in standard form is 3014.005
You write fourteen and six hundredths (14.06) in standard form as 1.406 × 101
Fourteen and three tenths (14.3) in standard form = 1.43 × 101
Fourteen and nine tenths (14.9) in standard form = 1.49 × 101
Fourteen and nine thousandths (14.009) in standard form = 1.4009 × 101
Fourteen and eight hundredths (14.08) in standard form = 1.408 × 101
Fourteen and thirty-four hundredths in standard form is 14.34
Two and fourteen thousandths (2.014) in standard form is 2.014 × 100
Three thousand fourteen and five thousandths written in standard form is 3014.005