I would write it as four hundred and twenty-nine hundredths.
Four hundred and nineteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy-nine
To write it out in words, it's four-thousand nine-hundred eighty, like you wrote. Numerically, it is 4980.
Four thousand nine hundred.
Nine hundred and eighty-four.
Four thousand nine hundred or forty nine hundred.
Nine hundred sixty nine thousand and four hundred seventy four.
Sixty-nine and four hundred nine thousandths. or Sixty nine point four zero nine
I would write it as four hundred and twenty-nine hundredths.
sixty nine and four hundred nine thousandths
one and five thousand, six hundred twenty-nine ten-thousandths.
Sixty-four million, six hundred eighty-nine thousand, nine hundred eighty-four.
Four hundred and twenty-nine dollars.
Nine hundred ninety-eight thousand, four hundred ninety-nine.