To write "one hundred forty-seven and nine hundred twenty-three millionths" in numbers, you would write it as 147.000923. The whole number part is 147, and the decimal part is 0.000923, which represents nine hundred twenty-three millionths.
Ten thousand, one hundred thirty-nine millionths.
It is 0.008918
Ten thousand, one hundred thirty-nine millionths.
To write "one hundred forty-seven and nine hundred twenty-three millionths" in numbers, you would write it as 147.000923. The whole number part is 147, and the decimal part is 0.000923, which represents nine hundred twenty-three millionths.
3 millionths= 0.000003
Fifty-nine millionths.
Fifty-nine millionths.
Nine ten-millionths.
Nine and eleven millionths.
Nine hundred seven millionths (0.000907) in standard form is 9.07 × 10-4
Well, honey, to write eight millionths in decimal numbers, you put a "0." in front of the "8". So, it looks like 0.000008. That's all there is to it, darling.
Nine and three hundred thousand, eleven millionths
It is 0.001099
nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine millionths.