Thirteen and seven thousandths is 13.007
Seven and seven thousandths in numeric form is: 7.007 7.007
You can write "two thousand twenty and seven thousandths" as 2,020.007.
= seven thousand thousandths + eight hundred thousandths = 7 + 0.8 = 7.8
Thirteen and seven thousandths is 13.007
Seven thousandths would be written as... 0.007
If it is grouped as "seven (hundred thousandths)", the answer is 0.00007. If it is "(seven hundred) thousandths", it's 0.7.
Expressed as a decimal, seven and seven thousandths is equal to 7.007.
Seven and seven thousandths in numeric form is: 7.007 7.007
Seven thousandths in decimal form is 0.007
You can write "two thousand twenty and seven thousandths" as 2,020.007.
Seven thousandths = 0.007 in decimal form.
Three hundred seven thousandths = 0.307
If it is grouped as "seven (hundred thousandths)", the answer is 0.00007. If it is "(seven hundred) thousandths", it's 0.7.