One and 51 millionths (1.000051) in standard form is 1.000051 × 100
One and twenty one millionths (1.000021) in standard form is: 1.000021 × 100
One thousand five hundred sixty-two millionths in standard form is 0.001562
One and twenty one millionths (1.000021) in standard form is: 1.000021 × 100
One thousand five hundred sixty-two millionths in standard form is 0.001562
It is 1.00000004*10^2
To write one hundred six millionths in standard form, you need to understand place value. The number one hundred six millionths can be expressed as 0.000000106 in standard form. This is because each place value to the right of the decimal point represents a power of 10 that is negative. In this case, the number 106 is in the millionths place, which is 10^-7.
One hundred six millionths (0.000106) in standard form is 1.06 × 10-4
one millionths in decimal = 0.000001
Nine hundred seventy-one millionths (0.000971) in standard form is 9.71 × 10-4
Not sure what you mean by "standard form"; one way to write this is as 120 µm.
It is 1.000021 if you mean 1 and 21 millionths or 1.000020 if you mean 1 and 20 one-millionths.