You write a bar above one or more numbers (you have to write it after one or more numbers or the decimal).It repeats.
$1090 - one thousand and ninety $1009 - one thousand and nine
There are many different ways one might write the numbers '608.' If one desires to write the numbers '608' in Roman numerals, one would write 'DCVIII.'
How do you write thirty-one million in numbers
One millionth in numbers = 0.000001
You write a bar above one or more numbers (you have to write it after one or more numbers or the decimal).It repeats.
$1090 - one thousand and ninety $1009 - one thousand and nine
one million dollars in numbers = $1,000,000
There are many different ways one might write the numbers '608.' If one desires to write the numbers '608' in Roman numerals, one would write 'DCVIII.'
In numbers 1070 putting it in words one thousand and seventy.