three and one hundredths = 3.01 in decimal
One hundred six and seven hundredths in decimal form would be 106.07.
Eighty-one hundredths in decimal notation is 0.81
To write eight and seven hundredths in standard form, we first write the whole number part, which is 8, followed by the decimal point. Then we write the decimal part, which is 0.07 (since seven hundredths is equivalent to 0.07). Therefore, eight and seven hundredths in standard form is 8.07.
This way: one and sixty-seven hundredths.
Seventy one hundredths as a decimal is 0.71.
three and one hundredths = 3.01 in decimal
One hundred six and seven hundredths in decimal form would be 106.07.
One and fifty hundredths in decimal form is 1.5
Eighty-one hundredths in decimal notation is 0.81
To write eight and seven hundredths in standard form, we first write the whole number part, which is 8, followed by the decimal point. Then we write the decimal part, which is 0.07 (since seven hundredths is equivalent to 0.07). Therefore, eight and seven hundredths in standard form is 8.07.
decimal for three and fifty one hundredths = 3.51
Twenty-four one hundredths is 0.24
Ten and thirteen one-hundredths in decimal form is 10.13
One and sixty-three hundredths written in decimal form is 1.63