521,000,000,000 = five hundred twenty-one billion.
One billion is written as 1,000,000,000. Four hundred twenty-seven million is written as 427,000,000. Therefore, when combined, one billion four hundred twenty-seven million is written as 1,427,000,000 in digits.
Twenty trillion seven hundred and seven billion seven hundred and twenty seven million seven hundred and seventy seven thousand = 20,707,727,777,000
Incorrect. It is one hundred twenty-six million
Twenty-five billion, seven hundred million.
521,000,000,000 = five hundred twenty-one billion.
Five billion, seven hundred twenty-one million, one hundred fourteen
Three hundred twenty-five billion, two hundred million dollars$325.2 billion$325,200,000,000.00For writing a check: Three hundred twenty-five billion two hundred million and 00/100 dollars
six billion five hundred six million thirteen thosand four hundred twenty
Twenty trillion seven hundred and seven billion seven hundred and twenty seven million seven hundred and seventy seven thousand = 20,707,727,777,000
200,000,000 (two hundred million.)
twenty million
Four hundred twenty-three billion ninety million seven hundred nine thousand.
twenty-two billion, one hundred million.
Twenty-nine billion, three-hundred million
eight billion two hundred eleven million three hundred twenty-one thousand four hundred
One hundred and twenty five thousand billion is not a number. You can either put million or thousands.