how do you write ninety-one million forty thousand
9.1 = nine and one tenth.
one and ninety-five one hundredths
The number "one crore thirty six thousand" can be written as 1,36,000.
100 lac
Type your answer here... ONE CRORE TEN LACS
how to write one crore twenty lahhs in figures
how do you write ninety-one million forty thousand
It is 1,50,00,000.
That would be written as: ninety one thousand and ninety one.
In India, the numbering system is 1 ------------------> One 10 ------------------> Ten 100 -----------------> Hundred 1000----------------> Thousand 10000 --------------> Ten Thousand 100000 -------------> We call it 1 Lac and not Hundred Thousand 1000000 ------------> This is 10 Lacs
9.1 = nine and one tenth.
100,000 = one hundred thousand.
one and ninety-five one hundredths
The number "one crore thirty six thousand" can be written as 1,36,000.