(6-1/2)% = 0.065
1/2 is a fraction. You can represent fractions by decimals, percentages, verbal, and pictures. So you would write 1/2 as .5 because .5 is half of one. You would write it as a percent as 50% because 50 is half of a hundred. You would write it verbally as one-half. And you would draw a picture of half a pie.
One and a half.
One and a half cents in decimals is 0.015
To write one half cent with decimals, you would express it as $0.005. This is because one cent is equal to $0.01, and half of a cent would be half of that amount, which is $0.005. In decimal form, this would be written as $0.005.
Five and one half cents in decimals is 0.055
You write it as 3.5 cents.
Half a mile
i think 2.5 cause its 2 AND [ my teacher told me that and means decimal] a half tenths
Either $0.115 or 11.5¢