To write one hundred in standard form, you would simply write 100. To write one hundredth in standard form, you would write it as a decimal, which is 0.01.
The standard form is 300,485
In standard form, you would write four and seven hundred thousandths as 4.0007.
"Seven thousand four hundred thirty-three ten thousandths" = 0.7433
Six thousand and one thousand four hundred twenty-three tenthousandths.
To write one hundred in standard form, you would simply write 100. To write one hundredth in standard form, you would write it as a decimal, which is 0.01.
The standard form is 67,700,000
Oh, dude, that's easy! 1200-thousandths in standard form is just 1.2. You can think of it like this - if you have 1200 pieces of a whole, that's the same as having 1.2 of that whole thing. So, yeah, it's just 1.2 in standard form.
You write three hundred thousand three hundred three (300,303) in standard form as 3.00303 × 105
six hundred and eighteen thousandths in standard form
The standard form is 300,485
In standard form, you would write four and seven hundred thousandths as 4.0007.
You write two and six hundred thousandths (2.600) in the standard form as: 2.6 × 100