one million five dollars
You can write the number "one million five hundred thousand" as: $1,500,000.
One Million Five Hundred and Five Thousand in figures: 1,505,000
one million five thousand five hundred
Exactly as in the question: one million twenty five thousand.
one million five dollars
One million, five hundred million? If you mean five hundred and one million, that would be 501,000,000
You can write the number "one million five hundred thousand" as: $1,500,000.
You write one thousand five hundred million like this in words but you write 1,500,000,000 like this in digits.
One Million Five Hundred and Five Thousand in figures: 1,505,000
One billion five hundred million.
1,500,000 OR 1.5 million.
one million five thousand five hundred
One Billion Five Hundred and Seventeen Million = 1,517,000,000
Exactly as in the question: one million twenty five thousand.