Exactly as in the question: one million twenty five thousand.
One hundred twenty-six million, five hundred thousand
twenty five thousand millionTwo hundred (and) fifty million.
Five million three hundred thousand twenty-nine and six tenths is 5,300,029.6
One million five hundred twenty thousand is 1,520,000
Exactly as in the question: one million twenty five thousand.
25,500,000 or twenty-five million, five hundred thousand.
Two hundred twenty-five million sixty thousand = 225,060,000
25,030,000 twenty-five point zero three million twenty-five million thirty thousand
One hundred twenty-six million, five hundred thousand
twenty five thousand millionTwo hundred (and) fifty million.
Five million three hundred thousand twenty-nine and six tenths is 5,300,029.6
One million five hundred twenty thousand is 1,520,000