You can write it 2 ways in 12 hour ime and in 24 hour time
12 hour: 01:01 pm
24 hour: 1301
one minute and thirtyeight,twentynine hundredth of seconds
talk about your favourite food.
One minute and thirty-eight and twenty-nine hundredths seconds.
One Minute Past Eternity was created in 1969-11.
12.55 pm is actually five minutes to one o'clock in the afternoon. Or it is fifty-five minutes past noon.
12.01 pm
Well, darling, when someone says it's "ten past one," they're telling you the time is 1:10. The hour hand is pointing to the 1, and the minute hand is 2 marks past the 12. It's not rocket science, just a fancy way of saying it's early in the afternoon.
that is 1250
one minute and thirtyeight,twentynine hundredth of seconds
Beacause he had nothing better to do one rainy afternoon . :)
talk about your favourite food.
One minute and thirty-eight and twenty-nine hundredths seconds.