You can write the number "one million five hundred thousand" as: $1,500,000.
Just like that.
In your question, you've already written all of the words you'd need to write on the check. You've spelled each correectly, and done a fine job of it overall. Clearly, the only remaining challenge is having enough in the bank to cover the check.
Normally you have a hundred thousand, not thousand hundred. and it is 100,000
One hundred thousand and 00/100
two thousand five hundred;)
You can write the number "one million five hundred thousand" as: $1,500,000.
One thousand three hundred
one thousand one hundred
One thousand nine hundred and 00/100 dollars
One hundred thirteen thousand two hundred twenty-five and 00/100If there is not enough room on the check you can write: 113 thousand 225 and 00/100
two thousand two hundred ------------------------_XX_
One thousand, one hundred and ten
one thousand one hundred and fifty
One thousand, one hundred and ten