As a rule you add the suffix 'th' to a cardinal to get an ordinal,but 1,2, and 3 are special and there are some spelling changes: fifth and twelfth , fiftieth,etc.
44 = Forty four
The ordinal numbers in Spanish are:primerosegundotercerocuartoquintosextoseptimooctavonovenodecimo
Fifty-five or Fifty five
First or 1st Second or 2nd Third or 3rd Fourth or 4th and so on.
To write 7 as an ordinal number, you would write it as "seventh."
To write "55th" in words, you would write it as "fifty-fifth." This follows the standard English convention for ordinal numbers, where numbers are written out as words when indicating their position in a sequence.
44 = Forty four
The ordinal numbers in Spanish are:primerosegundotercerocuartoquintosextoseptimooctavonovenodecimo
Fifty-five or Fifty five
First or 1st Second or 2nd Third or 3rd Fourth or 4th and so on.
The ordinal form of 12 is "twelfth". This is somewhat easy to forget, since in dates, numbers are not spelled out, and numbers past 10 are frequently written as "12th", etc. in text.
To write 7 as an ordinal number, you would write it as "seventh."
Ordinal numbers represent placement. First, second, third and so on.
The ordinal number of 43 is 43rd and the ordinal word is forty-third.
The ordinal number of 16 is 16th
1700th - Ordinal Number One thousand seven hundredth - Ordinal Word