Incorrect. It is one hundred twenty-six million
two billion, two hundred and twenty million
One billion is written as 1,000,000,000. Four hundred twenty-seven million is written as 427,000,000. Therefore, when combined, one billion four hundred twenty-seven million is written as 1,427,000,000 in digits.
Twenty trillion seven hundred and seven billion seven hundred and twenty seven million seven hundred and seventy seven thousand = 20,707,727,777,000
twenty-two billion, one hundred million.
Twenty-nine billion, three-hundred million
Five billion, seven hundred twenty-one million, one hundred fourteen
six billion five hundred six million thirteen thosand four hundred twenty
Three hundred twenty-five billion, two hundred million dollars$325.2 billion$325,200,000,000.00For writing a check: Three hundred twenty-five billion two hundred million and 00/100 dollars
126,000,000,000 is One hundred and twenty six thousand million (or one hundred and twenty six billion).
Incorrect. It is one hundred twenty-six million
Seventy-four billion, six hundred twenty million.
two billion, two hundred and twenty million