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Q: How do you write out one thousand kilobytes?
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If your flash drive has 19.5 kilobytes how many gigabytes dose it have?

**sigh** A gigabyte is a thousand megabytes which is a thousand kilobytes which is a thousand bytes. 19.5 kilobytes is about one 51282th of a gigabyte.

One thousand kilobytes are?

1000 kilobytes (kB) = 1 megabyte (MB)

How many kilobytes are in 1.50 gigabytes?

A thousand kilobytes equals a gigabyte. 1.5 Gb = 1,500Mb 1,500Mb = 1,500,000Kb Answer = One million, five hundred thousand kilobytes.

How many megabytes is 127 kilobytes?

The prefix "kilo" means "1,000"; "mega" means one million. A million is one thousand times one thousand, so 127 megabytes means 127 million bytes -- to find how many kilobytes that represents, divide 127,000,000 (127 million) by 1,000 -- 127,000 kilobytes

How much equal to one billion byte?

one million kilobytes one thousand megabytes one gigabyte

What is the difference between a megabyte and a kilobyte?

a mega is a million and a kilo is one thousand

How do you write one thousand dollars on a check?

To write one thousand dollars on a check, you would write "One thousand and 00/100" in the dollar amount line.

How do you write one thousand and niney dollars in numbers?

$1090 - one thousand and ninety $1009 - one thousand and nine

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How to write thirty one hundred thousand in number

How do you write one thousand billion of one thousand million of one thousand?

1,000,000,000 .am sure

How do you write one thousand in decimals?

One thousand = 1,000

How do you write eighty one thousand in digits?

You write eighty one thousand in digits by doing 81,000.