one million kilobytes one thousand megabytes one gigabyte
$1090 - one thousand and ninety $1009 - one thousand and nine
One thousand = 1,000
You write eighty one thousand in digits by doing 81,000.
You would write it 101,000; that is assuming you mean one hundred and one thousand.
**sigh** A gigabyte is a thousand megabytes which is a thousand kilobytes which is a thousand bytes. 19.5 kilobytes is about one 51282th of a gigabyte.
1000 kilobytes (kB) = 1 megabyte (MB)
A thousand kilobytes equals a gigabyte. 1.5 Gb = 1,500Mb 1,500Mb = 1,500,000Kb Answer = One million, five hundred thousand kilobytes.
The prefix "kilo" means "1,000"; "mega" means one million. A million is one thousand times one thousand, so 127 megabytes means 127 million bytes -- to find how many kilobytes that represents, divide 127,000,000 (127 million) by 1,000 -- 127,000 kilobytes
one million kilobytes one thousand megabytes one gigabyte
a mega is a million and a kilo is one thousand
To write one thousand dollars on a check, you would write "One thousand and 00/100" in the dollar amount line.
$1090 - one thousand and ninety $1009 - one thousand and nine
How to write thirty one hundred thousand in number
1,000,000,000 .am sure
One thousand = 1,000
You write eighty one thousand in digits by doing 81,000.