thirty point four seven million or, thirty million four hundred and seventy thousand
point four nought point four zero point four four tenths two fifths etc etc How do you write write right?
2,406,000 two million four hundred and six thousand
It is: 91,400,000 = ninety-one million and four hundred thousand
Two point four million or 2 million four hundred thousand.
.Two point six four million
One point four seven million
One point four million generally means 1,400,000. The more accepted way to write the number as stated, however, is in scientific notation: 1.4 ×106 This is due to the fact that the precision of the number is specified to only two significant figures and the long spoken form would be "one million, four hundred thousand," while this notation best describes "one point four million."
thirty point four seven million or, thirty million four hundred and seventy thousand
like this ==> 4,300,000
400 000
As a number it is: 44,000,000
point four nought point four zero point four four tenths two fifths etc etc How do you write write right?