The decimal form of 7/8 is 0.875
Three-eighths in decimal form = 0.375
Thirty seven hundredths in decimal form is 0.37.
Fourteen and thirty-seven thousandths in decimal form is 14.037
7/8 = 0.875seven eighths in decimal = 0.875
Negative five eighths in decimal form is -0.625.
The decimal form of 7/8 is 0.875
Expressed as a decimal fraction, three and seven eighths is equal to 3.875.
Three-eighths in decimal form = 0.375
Seven thousandths in decimal form is 0.007
Thirty seven hundredths in decimal form is 0.37.
Seven thousandths = 0.007 in decimal form.
decimal form for seventeen forty eighths = 0.354217/48:= 17 ÷ 48= 0.3542 in decimal
Five and seven hundredths in decimal form is 5.07
Seven and twenty-four hundredths in decimal form is 7.24