Seventy five and one hundred thirty four thousandths can be written in decimal form as 75.134. In expanded form, it can be written as 70 + 5 + 0.1 + 0.03 + 0.004.
Seven hundred and thirty-eight thousandths in expanded form is: 700+ .030+ .008
Seventy-six and two hundred thirty-nine thousandths.
Thirty-six point six seven eight.Or thirty-six and six-hundred seventy eight thousandth.
Seventy five and one hundred thirty four thousandths can be written in decimal form as 75.134. In expanded form, it can be written as 70 + 5 + 0.1 + 0.03 + 0.004.
Seventy and thirty-nine thousandths.
Seven hundred and thirty-eight thousandths in expanded form is: 700+ .030+ .008
Seventy-six and two hundred thirty-nine thousandths.
one hundred thirty-five and six hundred seventy-eight thousandths.
One hundred seventy-six and two hundred thirty-nine thousandths.
Thirty and nine hundred seventy-six thousandths.
thirty-nine and three hundred seventy-four thousandths.
Thirty-six point six seven eight.Or thirty-six and six-hundred seventy eight thousandth.
Five hundred thirty-four and one thousand, nine hundred seventy-two hundred-thousandths.