seven hundred thirty six and eight hundreths
Five hundred six million forty-one thousand three in numbers 506,041,003
To write five million dollars in numbers, you would write $5,000,000.00. Five million dollars would be written with the number five followed by six zeros, a decimal point, and two more zeros.
seven hundred thirty six and eight hundreths
6,000 and 5,000
The answer will depend on what is wrong with the number.
0.07 + 6 = 6.07 or seven hundreths plus six is six and seven hundreths.
Five hundred six million forty-one thousand three in numbers 506,041,003
To write five million dollars in numbers, you would write $5,000,000.00. Five million dollars would be written with the number five followed by six zeros, a decimal point, and two more zeros.
five hundred eleven and six tenths