six crore seven lakh five thousand three
The number "one crore thirty six thousand" can be written as 1,36,000.
It depends on what is wrong with it! It depends on what is wrong with it! It depends on what is wrong with it! It depends on what is wrong with it!
It is 605 in Hindu-Arabic numerals and in Roman numerals it is DCV
six crore seven lakh five thousand three
The number "one crore thirty six thousand" can be written as 1,36,000.
how to write one crore twenty lahhs in figures
Fifty six million and in some part of the world Five crore sixty lakhs
11 crore = 11,00,00,000
It depends on what is wrong with it! It depends on what is wrong with it! It depends on what is wrong with it! It depends on what is wrong with it!
To write 500 crore in numerical form, you would write it as 500,00,00,000. In the Indian numbering system, a crore is equal to ten million (10,000,000), so 500 crore is equivalent to 5 billion (5,000,000,000) in the Western numbering system.
It is fifty lakh crore.
450 crore is written as: 450,00,00,00
1 crore = 100 000 000