Nine and six hundred eighty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 9.688
To write six hundred two thousandths as a decimal, you would start with the whole number 600. Next, you would add the decimal point after the last digit to get 600. Finally, you would add the decimal value of two thousandths, which is 0.002. Therefore, six hundred two thousandths written as a decimal is 600.002.
Six hundred-thousandths. Could be easily confused with 0.600: six hundred thousandths. (as in "six" "hundred-thousandths" vs "six hundred" "thousandths")
5,600 thousandths is 5.6
It is 600.008
It is 0.608
Nine and six hundred eighty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 9.688
It is 0.676
To write six hundred two thousandths as a decimal, you would start with the whole number 600. Next, you would add the decimal point after the last digit to get 600. Finally, you would add the decimal value of two thousandths, which is 0.002. Therefore, six hundred two thousandths written as a decimal is 600.002.