Five billionths is 0.000000005
sixty hundredths = 0.60 in decimal
sixty and four hundredths = 60.04 in decimal
Well, if the question is actually How do you write sixty three hundredths as a decimal?, then it would be 0.63 or .63 !!
sixty-five hundredths in a decimal form = 0.65
To write 10 billionths in decimal form, you would start with the number 0.000000001. This is because a billionth is one divided by one billion, which is represented as 1/1,000,000,000 or 0.000000001 in decimal form.
To write 5 billionths as a decimal, you would start with the number 5, followed by nine zeros (since a billion has nine zeros), and then place the decimal point before the last digit. Therefore, 5 billionths as a decimal would be written as 0.000000005.
Five billionths is 0.000000005
sixty-five thousand three hundred and two thousand four hundred sixty-eight billionths. . . I'm pretty sure. your welcome
sixty hundredths = 0.60 in decimal
sixty and four hundredths = 60.04 in decimal
Sixty-one = 61
To write sixty-six and six thousandths in decimal form, you would write it as 66.006. The whole number part, sixty-six, is represented before the decimal point. The decimal part, six thousandths, is represented after the decimal point.
Well, if the question is actually How do you write sixty three hundredths as a decimal?, then it would be 0.63 or .63 !!
sixty-five hundredths in a decimal form = 0.65
Sixty and four hundredths in a decimal form is 60.04