The word form is: fifty-nine thousand eight hundred eleven hundred-thousandths.
You write ten and fifty-four thousandths (10.054) in standard form as: 1.0054 × 101
Fifty-one ten thousandths written in standard form is 0.0051
0.0x and 0.00x
The word form is: fifty-nine thousand eight hundred eleven hundred-thousandths.
twenty-two and fifty-six thousandths
The expanded form for seventeen and fifty thousandths (17.050) is: (1 x 10) + (7 x 1) + (0/10) + (5/100) + (0/1000)
You write ten and fifty-four thousandths (10.054) in standard form as: 1.0054 × 101
0.054 = (0 x 1) . (0/10) + (5/100) + (4/1000)
52/1000 = 0.052
Fifty-seven and eighty thousandths in standard form is 5.708 × 101
Fifty-one ten thousandths written in standard form is 0.0051
Fifty-one and twenty-eight thousandths in decimal form is 51.028
The word form is: seven and four hundred fifty-two thousandths.
0.0x and 0.00x