Oh, dude, writing the decimal 07 in words is like super easy. You just say zero point zero seven. It's like saying, "I have zero patience for math problems this simple." So, yeah, that's how you do it.
To write the decimal 0.7 in words, you would write "zero point seven." The zero before the decimal point is optional but is often included to indicate the presence of a whole number place value. The "point" indicates the decimal point, and the "seven" represents the digit in the tenths place.
Forty cent as decimal
write the following decimal numbers in words .0087945
There are no decimal words! The number is eight hundredths.
You can write it as 7%. In a decimal form .07 is the way it would be written.
'Zero, point, three four'. NOT 'point thirty four'.
.12 in words is twelve hundredths.
It is six thousandths