345: three hundred forty five.
As a decimal: 345.0 As an improper fraction: 345/1 In scientific notation: 3.45*10^2
To write 4.345 in word form, you would say "four and three hundred forty-five thousandths." The number to the right of the decimal point is read as a whole number, followed by the place value of the last digit. In this case, "345" is read as "three hundred forty-five" and "4" is read as "four."
345% = 3.45 as a decimal. And there is really no simplest form for decimals.
345: three hundred forty five.
345 written as a decimal is 345. There is no change.
As a decimal: 345.0 As an improper fraction: 345/1 In scientific notation: 3.45*10^2
three hundred forty-five thousandths
.345 is three hundred forty five thousandths.
To write 4.345 in word form, you would say "four and three hundred forty-five thousandths." The number to the right of the decimal point is read as a whole number, followed by the place value of the last digit. In this case, "345" is read as "three hundred forty-five" and "4" is read as "four."
It is: 345/409 = 0.8435207824 to 10 decimal places or 0.844 rounded to 3 decimal places
345 = 34500%