Fifteen million six hundred seventy three thousand four hundred two.
The answer is four hundred and ninety one million, five hundred and sixty thousand, five hundred and forty three.
It is the system of numeracy that we use today.
It is five hundred forty one thousand one hundred thirty three.
Ninety eight million one hundred seventy thousand fifteen.
nothing is different from those 2 choices. one could be though. that numeration could mean duplicate words, and number means, extensive words. this is my suggestion
The answer is four hundred and ninety one million, five hundred and sixty thousand, five hundred and forty three.
It is the system of numeracy that we use today.
2050060000 = Two billion fifty million sixty thousands.
In words, 10000000000 is "ten billion." This number is composed of ten digits: one followed by ten zeros. In the international system of numeration, each group of three digits is separated by a comma, making it easier to read large numbers.
A 12-digit number is called a trillion. In the International System of Numeration, each group of three digits is named based on powers of a thousand. Therefore, a 12-digit number would represent a quantity in the trillions.
It is five hundred forty one thousand one hundred thirty three.
Ninety eight million one hundred seventy thousand fifteen.
nothing is different from those 2 choices. one could be though. that numeration could mean duplicate words, and number means, extensive words. this is my suggestion
The Esperanto words for international and domestic are internacia and hejma.
Twenty-nine trillion, twenty-one billion, three hundred ninety-two million, nine hundred sixty-one thousand, two hundred thirty-four.
One hundred three thousand, three hundred forty-five and sixty-seven hundredths.