Like this: Forty and 00/100 dollars
One thousand three hundred and fifty
It would usually be written as "one hundred forty and 00/100 dollars"
You write the number in words >:D
Eight and 00/100 dollars.
Ninety-seven and 50/100 dollars
Like this: Forty and 00/100 dollars
One thousand three hundred and fifty
One hundred forty and 00/100 dollars.
Three hundred eighty-one and 10/100 dollars
Yes, when writing a check, you should write out the amount in cents in words.
To write out cents on a check, you can use both words and numbers. For example, if you are writing a check for 25.50, you would write "Twenty-five and 50/100" on the line for the amount in words.
It would usually be written as "one hundred forty and 00/100 dollars"
You write the number in words >:D
Write out the number 32 as thirty two (in words).