XXVII is the number 27 in roman numerical. XX is 20 and adding XVII is 7.
7 as a Roman numeral is VII
Roman numerals only apply to numbers. so April can't be in roman numerals, but seven is VII
Roman numerals represent numbers, not months. However, July is the seventh month, and if you want to write "7" as a Roman numeral, it is VII.
In Roman numerals the number seven, or 7, is written VII.
XXVII is the number 27 in roman numerical. XX is 20 and adding XVII is 7.
7 as a Roman numeral is VII
Roman numerals only apply to numbers. so April can't be in roman numerals, but seven is VII
7 = VII
If you mean: 7-7-2012 then in Roman numerals they are VII-VII-MMXII
Roman numerals represent numbers, not months. However, July is the seventh month, and if you want to write "7" as a Roman numeral, it is VII.
June vii mmviii