999 is IM Roman numerals = 1000-1
IM represents 999 in Roman numerals (-1+1000).
The answer is 281.....but im Roman Numerals it is.......CCLXXXI
The Roman numeral IM means -1+1000 = 999
999 is IM Roman numerals = 1000-1
IM represents 999 in Roman numerals (-1+1000).
The answer is 281.....but im Roman Numerals it is.......CCLXXXI
The Roman numeral IM means -1+1000 = 999
IM in Roman numerals represents 999 (-1+1000).
im writing this so they dont decaps the entire answer 1/24/2010 = I/XXIV/MMX
Today we write out 999 in Roman numerals as CMXCIX but the Romans themselves would have probably wrote it out as IM which is the same as DCCCCLXXXXVIIII So: DCCCCLXXXXVIIII minus DCLXVI equals CCCXXXIII (333)
because im awesome
751 im only ten
numeral means number im guessing you meant roman numeral. 84 in roman numerals is LXXXIV L = 50 X = 10 I = 1 V = 5
The correct answer is = XLIX. Only I, X, and C can stand before a larger numeral to subtract from it, and they can't stand in front of numerals more than ten times their value; IX for 9 is fine, but we can't write IL for 49 or IM for 1,999-we have to write XLIX or MCMXCIX.