Five hundred three and one hundred two thousandths
Twenty-one and two hundred one ten-thousandths.
Five and one hundred twenty-six thousandths.
To write one hundred seventy seven thousandths in decimal form, you first write 177 as a whole number. Then, you move the decimal point three places to the left to convert it to thousandths. Thus, one hundred seventy seven thousandths is written as 0.177 in decimal form.
two hundred and forty-one thousandths = 200.041 in decimal number
To write two hundred fifty-one thousandths in decimal notation, you would represent it as 0.251. This is because the number 251 is in the thousandths place, which is three places to the right of the decimal point. This means that it is equivalent to 251/1000, which simplifies to 0.251 in decimal form.
Five hundred three and one hundred two thousandths
One hundred sixteen and fourteen ten-thousandths as a number is 116.0014
To write two hundred one thousandths in decimal form, you would write it as 0.201. The "two hundred" represents the whole number part, and the "one thousandths" represents the decimal part. In this case, the digit 1 is in the thousandths place, making it 0.001 in decimal form.
Twenty-one and two hundred one ten-thousandths.
Five and one hundred twenty-six thousandths.