Thirty first.
one hundred and thirty
simple , fifteen is 15 and thirty-one hundredths is 0.31.
The number "one crore thirty six thousand" can be written as 1,36,000.
Thirty first.
1700th - Ordinal Number One thousand seven hundredth - Ordinal Word
The ordinal number 30th is spelled thirtieth.
How to write thirty one hundred thousand in number
Write out the number 32 as thirty two (in words).
Basically how you spelled it, but from what I know, and was taught, you would write "twenty-three". Another way you do that is like fifty-five. See how I put a dash in between it? That's how you would properly write it.
one hundred and thirty
As a number it is: 31,400,032
simple , fifteen is 15 and thirty-one hundredths is 0.31.
To write 30.50 in word form, you would write "thirty and fifty hundredths." The number 30 represents thirty whole units, the decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal part, and the number 50 represents fifty hundredths. So, when combined, it reads as "thirty and fifty hundredths."