December 10, 1984 in Roman numerals is X.X.MCMLXXXIV.
The year 1958 is written as MCMLVIII in Roman numerals.
The number (or year) 2009 in Roman numerals is MMIX
In todays notation of Roman numerals: MCMLXXXV
How you write 'my birthday' in Roman numerals depends on the date of your birthday.
December 10, 1984 in Roman numerals is X.X.MCMLXXXIV.
The year 1958 is written as MCMLVIII in Roman numerals.
The number (or year) 2009 in Roman numerals is MMIX
In todays notation of Roman numerals: MCMLXXXV
How you write 'my birthday' in Roman numerals depends on the date of your birthday.
MCMXCVII is the number 1997 in roman numerals. This number can be used as an year too.
2010 is: MMX
1964 = MCMLXIV