Eighty-four and thirteen hundredths.
Nine hundred thirty-four and thirteen hundredths in standard form is 934.13
Thirteen and ninety-four hundredths.
Eighty-four and thirteen hundredths.
To write 13.04 in word form, you would say "thirteen and four hundredths." This indicates that there are 13 whole units (thirteen) and 0.04 represents four hundredths. In word form, we express the decimal part as a fraction of the place value it occupies, which in this case is hundredths.
Nine hundred thirty-four and thirteen hundredths in standard form is 934.13
Thirteen and ninety-four hundredths.
Improper fraction - 1304/100
To write 4.13 in word form, you would say "four and thirteen hundredths." This is because the number 4 is read as "four," the decimal point is read as "and," and the number 13 after the decimal point is read as "thirteen hundredths."
One hundred twenty-four and thirteen hundredths.