You write thirty-one and seventeen hundredths as 31.17. It's not rocket science, honey. Just slap a decimal point between the whole number and the decimal part, and you're good to go.
You already have written it as a decimal. The word form would be seventeen and thirty-one hundredths.
simple , fifteen is 15 and thirty-one hundredths is 0.31.
The number 117.36 is "one hundred seventeen and thirty-six hundredths." In US currency, $117.36 is "one hundred seventeen dollars and thirty-six cents."
seventeen and eighty-one hundredths.
Two hundred forty-one and seventeen hundredths.
Seventeen and thirty-one hundredths.
You already have written it as a decimal. The word form would be seventeen and thirty-one hundredths.
simple , fifteen is 15 and thirty-one hundredths is 0.31.
The number 117.36 is "one hundred seventeen and thirty-six hundredths." In US currency, $117.36 is "one hundred seventeen dollars and thirty-six cents."
"One point three eight" or "one point thirty-eight" or " one and thirty-eight one hundredths."
To write 30.50 in word form, you would write "thirty and fifty hundredths." The number 30 represents thirty whole units, the decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal part, and the number 50 represents fifty hundredths. So, when combined, it reads as "thirty and fifty hundredths."
thirty-one thousand, one hundred and seventeen
seventeen and eighty-one hundredths.
Two hundred forty-one and seventeen hundredths.
Seventeen thousand, seven hundred forty-one and seventeen hundredths.