Four Hundred and thirty eightor438
two hundred thirty-eight.
Eight thousand, thirty-eight and five tenths.
In words 4.38 is four and thirty-eight hundredths
It is eight hundred thirty six thousandths.
To write 3.8 in words, you would write "three point eight." In this case, "point" is used to represent the decimal point. It is important to note that when writing numbers in words, the decimal point is typically pronounced as "point."
thirty-eight (I can't believe you don't know this)
"One point three eight" or "one point thirty-eight" or " one and thirty-eight one hundredths."
Four Hundred and thirty eightor438
two hundred thirty-eight.
Thirty eight.
Eight thousand, thirty-eight and five tenths.
Thirty-two and thirty-eight hundredths.
In words 4.38 is four and thirty-eight hundredths
2,830 = Two thousand eight hundred and thirty.
Seven hundred and thirty-eight.