Thirty seven million, nine hundred sixty thousand, forty four.
It would be: thirty four million, five hundred thousand, thirty six, five hundred, sixty four.
Thirty thousand
One million five hundred ninety-four thousand, nine hundred and thirty-three
Eight million * * * * * 8,000,000
Two billion, four hundred and thirty million, and ninety.
Four million, thirty-seven thousand, two hundred and fifteen.
Thirty seven million, nine hundred sixty thousand, forty four.
It would be: thirty four million, five hundred thousand, thirty six, five hundred, sixty four.
five hundred eight million twenty six thousand five hundred thirty
Thirty thousand
To write 1 million in expanded form, you would break down the number based on its place value. 1 million is composed of 1,000,000, which can be expanded as 1 x 1,000,000. This means there is 1 in the millions place, and 0 in the hundred thousands, ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones places.
One million five hundred ninety-four thousand, nine hundred and thirty-three
I had to research this one for my 3rd Grader's homework... The proper way to write thirty two million ten thousand one in expanded form is this... 32,010,001 = 32x1,000,000 + 10x1000 + 1x1 It can also be written as 30,000,000 + 2,000,000 + 10,000 + 1
Seven hundred thirty four
Eight million * * * * * 8,000,000